The sun is back… beginning to return to my porch.
I was vaguely aware the other day. I am acutely aware today.
The season is once again beginning to turn.

My season of blogging may be coming to an end as well.
12 years ago I joined Xanga and those many good friendships buoyed me along, but slowly the currents have carried those friends away, and more and more I drift alone. (It’s ok, there can be peace and solace in aloneness as well… a different season… maybe it is time I go it alone) I had hoped my blog-friendships, who have kept me afloat all these years, would still be with me when I reached my season of joy, but it seems that is not to be… I have not reached that destination yet. It seems I must look for another boat, a different course…. perhaps even remain on dry land now…. my desert time.
I am grateful for all those whom God sent to throw me lifesavers these last 12 years… you have kept me floating rather than sinking.
I pray for, and carry in my heart, each of those who are now set off on different courses.
The blogging fervor is not what it once once. A season coming to an end. 😦
and though all endings are new beginnings, still I dislike the transitions.

[edit:  ‘if a tree falls in a forest and there is no one to hear, does it make a sound?’ ….  if I write and there is no one to read is there a point?   I will have to carefully weigh this in the scales.  🙂 ]

Serenity prayer

I have never been any good at the part that says;
‘taking this world as it is, not as I would have it’

4 thoughts on “

  1. I was not one of your first friends on Xanga…but we did find each other eventually. Most of my first 10 or so friends on Xanga are not on WordPress. I miss them, but I have met a few new friends. And I kinda’ like the quieter, smaller, gentler world of WordPress. Xanga was wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but at times it was very overwhelming, time consuming, and people could be mean and troll-y. I’ve never met anyone mean here on WordPress.
    I think people come into our lives for “a reason or a season” and then sadly they move on. I hate that part about life, but I understand it. Things change and people change.
    I would GREATLY miss you if you quit blogging! You add peace and joy and wisdom and fun and laughter! 🙂 I hope you can find a way to stay.
    I will only be on a break for a short time and then I’ll be back here. I just have a bunch of things to do…things happening…things to deal with, and some company coming, etc. and I need to focus on those things and people for a couple weeks.
    (((HUGS))) and ❤


  2. I never met you until WordPress. I would miss you if you go. Love your post on all the animals that grace your life with an appearance. Most of my Xamga friends are not here. I had a few but I had just been blogging a few months when it shut down. I have noticed a lot of my follows on WP have stopped.


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