
There’s something about silence —
the way I fall into it.

Like coming home,
it beckons —
and I feel it’s embrace.

Beckons —
like a river —
and I fall into it.

It’s depressing –
It’s dark –
and it’s only 6:00

Is it really just the clouds? the overcast?
It feels like it’s coming up on 9 pm – not just 6:00
(and here is the 3rd rain of the day)

Wish I was in my apt.
Everything feels different – better – in my apt.
I miss my windows –
my upstairs view on the world

I constantly miss my apt.

Making popcorn. Popcorn’s a cheerful food, right? A cheering up food.

~ and the rain, rain, rain, came down, down, down ~

19 thoughts on “Today

    1. Hi Mrs. Wrangler,
      I’m out of my apt., staying here and there, trying to find a place to move to, because the neighbors below me were doing meth and my apt. is toxic for me to be in. Can’t find the way to get the management to properly test and remediate.


      1. Apparently N.C. is very behind the times on this issue. I have contacted health dept.’s, E.P.A., police, district attorneys, clean-up companies, medical (so-called) professionals. None offers any assistance, or solutions… and very little understanding. 😦
        Maybe I should have you buy me a test and send it to me. Do you know how much they cost, or can you maybe send information? Every state is different as far as dealing with this issue.


      2. They no longer sell the kits themselves because they are easily available in the internet. I typed it on Google and there are lots of diy kits. I am sorry I am not more help


      3. You have helped. I looked online too after you mentioned it. I thought I would have more faith in whatever your city sold being reliable and not just a gimmick to get my money. I appreciate you. πŸ™‚


  1. Yes, popcorn is cheery! And when it’s popping, it’s saying, “Hey! Hey! Hey!” See, it is friendly, too! πŸ™‚

    Why are you not in your apartment?!

    I like the silence at times. Other times I like the noise. I like night better than day. I feel akin to the nighttime.
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚


    1. Hi Carolyn, I thought you knew. I’m out of my apt., staying here and there, trying to find a place to move to, because the neighbors below me were doing meth and my apt. is toxic for me to be in. Can’t find the way to get the management to properly test and remediate.
      It’s the whole reason my ‘unlikely journey’ happened…. my ‘forced upon me vacation’. I got so desperate to breathe I just threw some stuff in a suitcase and left mid-February.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I didn’t know you were still out!
        (Did you get the card I mailed last week?!)
        That is so scary that that is still going on! 😦 I’d get out, too! A very unhealthy dangerous situation. Bad neighbors! 😦
        Prayers that you can move back soon (safely), or you can find a place to move.


      2. Yes, I just picked up my mail, and your card, yesterday, and was coming to say, “Thanks!” πŸ˜€ I love getting your snail mail. It cheers my day, and my counter/dresser tops.
        The offending neighbor has moved out but the toxic fumes remain. (not odor, but undetectable chemical fumes…. this is what I can’t make people understand) I have tried staying in my apt. and my symptoms are quickly re-aggravated… breathing issues that went away once I got away. So it looks like I will never be able to return to the apt. I love so much, and I don’t even know what, of my things, I can take with me. Still searching for all those answers. 😦 My couch and my bed and my carpet are definitely getting thrown away.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Oh, good! I was concerned the card might not have found you. (You’re welcome! I love sending you snail-mail cards!) πŸ™‚

        That is so sad and a bummer about your apartment and furniture, etc. 😦 Yes, all of the fumes/smells like that can get in the curtains, carpet, fabrics, etc. I’ve even heard they can somehow get in the paint on the walls. And the walls have to be repainted.

        We moved into a house once where the people had been BIG cigarette smokers. The smell was everywhere, in everything, and we had to eventually repaint and get new carpet, etc. Before we could afford to do all of that, the smell really did a number on my sinus/asthma issues. 😦

        Praying with you as you find the answers to this situation. Praying they will reveal themselves soon.



    1. Hi ( I want to say Elizabeth – is Elizabeth correct? I’ve been away too much πŸ™‚ )
      I’m just out of my apt., staying here and there, trying to find a place to move to, because the neighbors below me were doing meth and my apt. is toxic for me to be in. Can’t find the way to get the management to properly test and remediate.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, Elizabeth it is. πŸ˜‰ I hate that you have to do that…There should be laws in your area to help. It is ridiculous when good, caring people can’t stay where they are b/c of drug addicts. Praying for a positive answer. hugs.

        Liked by 1 person

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