Why does it scare me to think that I find myself wishing the United States had a leader like Putin?

He comes across as rational, confident, strong, reasonable…
and yet I think of Crimea, and Ukraine….

but on this Syria issue, he seems to have the better understanding.

He definitely seems like a man in charge and one that is on top of things.
He inspires confidence,
not like the U.S. president.

addendum: Wow, just concluded an intense hour, and it was only part one of a two part interview by Charlie Rose with Putin. 😮
Charlie Rose

4 thoughts on “

  1. Good Morning, Lynn. My wife says the Putin is making the USA look weak. I don’t see anyone in either party that can match him.


  2. I tend to share your point of view, Lynn..
    About Crimee i remember British and French making the seat of Sebastopol against Russia before 1870. This let me think that at this time Crimee was part of the Russian Empire ..
    Love ❤


  3. I wonder why no (or very few) good leaders emerge for the presidency? I guess the good ones don’t want to get involved in all the crap of the job and the other politicians they’d have to deal with. ??? 😦
    OOOH!!! Thank you for the beautiful card!!! It was delivered by snail yesterday!!! 😉 (Ha! Snail-Mail!) 😀

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